A high-stakes poker game demands focus, risk appetite, pattern recognition, bold moves, and plenty of bluffing. You’re constantly reading your opponent, hoping they can’t read you, waiting for the perfect moment to make your move. But who would have imagined the stakes would be so high on June 25, 2024? This wasn’t about winning a hand of cards. It was about fighting for justice, and it would cost lives.
Even the sharpest poker players couldn’t keep up with how fast things were changing. Strategies were outdated in hours, not days. Street protests erupted, followed by social sanctions, vigils outside government offices, and even the occupation of churches. The government found itself on the back foot— dishing out press conferences like an Oprah Winfrey giveaway.
We Care
The government’s response went beyond press conferences. It came with violence. Guns and batons left people maimed, and some killed. Yet, in the midst of this pain, something remarkable happened: Kenyans came together. They mobilized to raise funds for the victims of police brutality. Battle-hardened by life's many challenges—Hanifa boldly led this initiative. Initially aiming for KSh 10 million, she raised KSh 31.6 million. These funds provided solace to 62 families who had lost loved ones and helped pay hospital bills for 146 others.
We Educate
Doyle Brunson, one of the greatest poker players and ten-time World Series of Poker champion figured something that would take other players years to discover. Success in poker requires a scientific approach. You can’t just rely on luck; you must understand the odds. In the same way, Kenyans, like Brunson, recognized that this was the moment to apply their skills and education.
Advocates appeared before courts on behalf of protesters. Doctors set up blood banks and care centres. The battle wasn’t just in the streets; the system they were up against was a slick machine, perfect in its use of propaganda and manipulation. In response, civic education efforts sprang up independently across the country. The movement had evolved—they understood that to fight the system effectively, they needed to understand it deeply.
Enters Morara Kebaso, in his iconic Kaunda suits, his car, and his sharp presidential impressions. Morara became a key voice, exposing corruption, incompetence, and dereliction of duty with a catchy delivery. He arrived on the scene like a leprechaun at the end of a rainbow—only this time, the pot of gold was a message that resonated with the masses. The movement wasn’t waiting for a hero; it was built by ordinary citizens, foot soldiers, who took it upon themselves to educate and inspire.
We Fund Ourselves
In a bid to delegitimize the protests, the government played the blame game. They accused a range of individuals and organizations—international donors, politicians, and business tycoons—of funding the movement. But their inconsistent narratives only deepened public suspicion. The truth was clear: this was a movement powered by citizens.
Kenyans—tired of the status quo—called out the government’s bluffs time and again. They knew that action, not words, would keep the momentum going. People gave their time, their resources and showed up where it mattered. Morara Kebaso, with his satirical genius, was one of the beneficiaries of this collective goodwill. Citizens chipped in for his PA system and fuel, enabling him to travel the country and educate the masses.
This marked a significant moment in the movement’s evolution. Traditionally, politicians hand out money to sway the masses. Gradually, the people are understanding that the real cost of those handouts is much higher. They now see the true cost of accepting a bribe: the loss of their future, the forgoing of potential development. Accepting stolen money means accepting a broken system. How far would this realization take them? Only time will tell.
What Next?
From the start, no one could have predicted what would unfold. Each turn brought new characters, fresh stories, and innovative tactics. Even with the progress made, the movement knows there is still much work ahead. The government, with its misinformation, violence, and gaslighting, is a worthy adversary. In many ways, it’s a Goliath.
Yet, despite the odds, hope remains strong. The creativity, the bold strategies, and the fearless risk-taking displayed by the movement have been nothing short of inspiring. In the face of uncertainty and immense stakes, one truth has emerged—there is no turning back. The only way forward is to keep moving.