What really matters, bravery or persistence? As the year ends most of us, if not all of us, use this time to reflect on how the year turned out or what we got to achieve as we look forward to the next year. Some might be wondering if they needed more courage to venture into unchartered territory or they would have been better off being persistent with particular activities until they got the desired results.
So what makes us not be brave or consistent? Well life or adulting as millennials usually call it, occasionally sweeps you off your feet and mercilessly beats you into submission, while you are on the ground fighting for your life. As one of my close friends, grinning slyly usually says, “Si ni life.”
This beating has many effects, one of them being self-doubt. We start asking ourselves, “Is this really for me?” We even try to get God involved by questioning if it’s His will for our lives. Then gradually you find yourself not having the will-power to wake up in the morning for what in the beginning looked like the dream job or dream project. The lack of consistency creeps in and you might find yourself quitting.
What about all the people you shared your plans with? Or on one point or another were part of the journey and pop in periodically checking in on your progress? You start to isolate yourself because you don’t want to be reminded of your failures. You try to avoid social gatherings, dreading the million questions about what happened to your blog or your last project. And don’t forget the passive-aggressive jokes and comments from your ‘friends.’
So do we need bravery to chin up or do we need consistency to ride the turbulence and stand firm regardless of what is thrown our way?
Proverbs 4:23, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” The Bible here reminds us of the importance of our motives or inner motivation. Our principles, our character or our modus operandi are really important and are what guide us. If we overly rely on outward motivation, we might run out of steam if that motivation doesn’t come.
Is bravery more important than persistence or does the opposite ring true? Well I think they both complement each other. We need bravery to take first step against the current that is the fear of the unknown, and we need consistency to ride the waves until we reach our destination, our success.
So as you reflect on the year that has been what do you need most on your next chapter of life?
The late Wangari Maathai, after reflecting on the events that happened as they were trying to save Karura forest, she had this to say, “In our campaigns it was our persistence that won the day more than our bravery.
Bravery gets you to the gate, but persistence is what brings that gate down. You might not be fighting an oppressive government, but we are all fighting to survive, succeed and get a piece of the cake.