A season can be marked by a particular weather pattern that persists for a set period of time. Apart from spring, summer, autumn, and winter that spread throughout the year; there are seasons that denote different stages in our lives.
It can be a time of success, failure, investment, stagnation, change, or rest. Emotions persist depending on the season. It may feel like the same day over and over again. A period of similar thoughts, similar events, and similar emotions.
We will go through seasons and their characteristics. We will look into:
Seasons and emotions
Seasons and stagnation
Seasons, failure and success
Seasons and fundamentalism
Seasons and monotony
Seasons and Emotions
In the summer you not only expect the sun to shine but also demand it! You've planned out your days and expect the sun to be consistent. When the cold arrives you expect it to penetrate your bones and each day you keep warm.
In the seasons of our lives, emotions are sometimes annoyingly present. Present every second, every minute, hour, and day. It feels like you are in the same state always.
"The settler would treat the whole of the native population—dignitaries, old men, women, and children—as members of his household and, as such, make them labor night and day in his own interests, without any rest whatsoever."
Bartolomé de las Casas, a Dominican priest wrote these words describing Spanish colonialism. To the natives, this season of colonialism was the same ordeal every day, and would only vary in intensity.
In a season of unemployment, the despair may feel the same daily, and waking up to an empty day feels worthless. A season of rest feels peaceful and each morning wonderful like an angel of the Lord leaving freshly picked grapes at your window.
A time of mourning may leave you empty feeling like your drifting through space and time. All these emotions are valid and are there to be felt. We have no choice but to feel them.
As we enjoy the glow of the sun, we need sunscreen to protect our skin. We need to guard ourselves against being lost in a season of rest and plenty. In the cold, we need a warm coat. The cover of brethren and God is the warmth we need in times of loss.
Season and Stagnation
"I feel like I’m in the middle of the ocean. Like I could swim in any direction but I can’t see land on any side so I don’t know which way to go."
Ian was paralyzed with the thought that he didn't know what to do with himself. This description of how he felt stuck was so vivid; clinical psychologist Dr. Meg Jay felt hopeless listening to him.
The lack of direction or stagnation sometimes is not from the inside. Sometimes a season may disarm you. A pandemic may clear your savings, your race may lead to discrimination in the job market, and an economic recession may leave you hopeless.
What both scenarios have in common is that no one is coming to save you. It is always up to you in these seasons of stagnation to make choice. Your engine has to be reenergised so you can make the choice to start over, forgive yourself if you made a mistake, and as long as the sun is still in the sky live for another day.
I'm sure you are asking yourself what became of Ian. In the book Defining Decade, Dr. Meg Jay helped Ian realise that he had an arsenal of skills in his armoury. He just had to take charge and chose a path to take.
Don't let the fear of failure and your circumstances disarm you. Take a chance and move from your point of stagnation. It's terrifying to know what you want and yet don't know how to get it. But you will never get it if you don't try.
Seasons, Failure and Sucess
We live in an age where most of our failures and successes are displayed for everyone to see. If you lose a job, people will recognise the change in your LinkedIn profile. If you get a promotion we will see your colleagues congratulate you on social media.
This may leave us worried wondering when the good times will last or when the season of failure will end. The truth is we can't tell. All we know is success and failure are part of the rhythm of life.
If we are aware of this rhythm then we shouldn't take failure or success personally. Jesus Christ poured His life unto others every day. He moved from town to town, fulfilling His mission. He didn't take rejection personally, he didn't let success affect His work.
A season of success should not make you live in a bubble created by your ego. Famous people have fallen into this trap where their success blinds them from reality. It gives them a false sense of security that it can protect them from anything and elevate them to any level.
Jesus Christ enjoyed success in His work so much so that people wanted to make him king. He knew who He was. He knew His assignment and that moment of success would not sway His mission.
Seasons and Fundamentalism
A fundamentalist will look into the past for hope but a man of faith understands that hope is in the future. A man of faith sounds crazy because despite the season she believes there will be progress, circumstances will change and the will of God will be done.
The fundamentalist has leaned into despair, every season to them has been infected and has to be purified to fit an imagined past. Is it a suicide bomber; strapped up ready to put her enemies on their knees or a mass shooter with an assault rifle determined to purge her neighbourhood from an 'inferior' race?
The season that prevails doesn't matter, the fundamentalist is always at war. The man of faith understands that every season has its unique assignment. The man of faith either languishing in a cell because of his beliefs or enjoying her days in splendor have one thing in common. She looks forward to eternal life.
She looks forward to the promised land and works every day to take as many people with her. No matter the season, she is consistently on that assignment. The vigour may vary, and her determination may waver but she knows the answer is not in past glory.
Seasons and Monotony
Lightning strikes twice, thrice, several times in the seasons of our lives. We have already discussed how it can feel like the same events and emotions are occurring over and over again. So how do we deal with this monotony?
It is important to first accept the season you are in. If it is a time of plenty enjoy it, don't waste your time being paranoid. If it's a time of mourning being present is painful but we can never substitute it with denial.
Once you understand the season you can slowly transition into what needs to be done to navigate. As long as the earth endures, day and night will never cease. As long as day comes there will be new opportunities and new hope.
The man of faith realises that he always is on an assignment no matter the prevailing times and circumstances. This gives him the will to live through anything. For Jesus Christ his assignment was to proclaim the good news to the poor,...to set the oppressed free.
What assignment are you on that you've poured your life into so that the monotony doesn't way you down?
Genesis 8:22
22 “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”
No matter the season as long as the sun is out we must live, we must labour.
Love this! Every bit of it is inspiring and encouraging. Thank you!