Inner Remarkability
I struggled to choose between writing a letter of appreciation or a speech about how great my readers have been. How best to end the year? While these thoughts fought for prominence in my head, I was reading the book Contagious: Why Things Catch On. Also at this time, I kept seeing posts on social media about how 2022 will not be a remarkable year and there is no need of having expectations. The more I read such posts the more I knew what I had to write about. Inner remarkability, what makes us remarkable?
The book Contagious discusses inner remarkability in the context of marketing, why things are talked about. If you can make something interesting or surprising, break a pattern people have come to expect, or undermine a fundamental belief then you are on the path of finding out what makes you or your product remarkable. These ingredients will make people definitely talk about you or your product. In the same way, I’m making remarks about this book because I found something interesting to talk about.
In the book, the author shares an interesting story about tissue paper. How on earth can toilet paper be exceptional? He made toilet paper one of the most talked-about conversation topics at a party. He put a roll of black toilet paper in the bathroom. Black toilet paper? This is not something you come across regularly. The amazement at black toilet paper provoked discussion. Shine a light on what’s extraordinary about a product or idea and people will talk.
What makes you remarkable?
Just like tissue paper, there was nothing remarkable about this man. His life circumstances had subdued him. He lived in hiding and was a coward. How do I know he was a coward? God sent His messenger with these words, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” The man replied with doubt wondering how he could be considered a mighty warrior and yet he is the lowest in his family. Well, that’s just self-doubt, not cowardice you may think but he proceeded to ask for signs. He needed a reason to be courageous. He asked for three signs to be sure that God was with him and on a fourth occasion, God gave him a sign because He knew the man was afraid.
As I read the story of Gideon I realised that Gideon was remarkable even though he didn’t realise it. And as I read the story a second time about how God used 300 men out of thousands to save his people, I understood it is God who made the story extraordinary not Gideon. The Creator made His creation remarkable. Just as Jonah Berger, the author of the book Contagious made the black tissue paper exceptional at his party. God is our creator and He knows why he placed us on this earth and He knows what makes each of us extraordinary.
What makes our creations extraordinary?
We have established that the creator has the ability to determine what makes their creation special. God’s work is perfect so He got it right from the first day. Our imperfections dictate that we keep improving what we create. Is it a blog? You’ll have to keep improving the content, presentation, and sharing of your ideas. Freelancing in coding or programming, you need to keep up with the latest advancements in technology. A lazy mind is like being ankle-deep in mud; you won’t get very far.
If it’s your career, learn where you fit in the organisation. One good indicator is the Radford scale. It will help you understand where you are in your career, where you are best placed, or where you need to go next. If it is a job interview, put your heart and soul in preparation, aligning your experience with the responsibilities. A good story goes a long way, so be specific on your accomplishments. Are you in a managerial position? Learn to give feedback and take feedback. Do not postpone giving feedback because your timing might be off and raise suspicion and anxiety. Better to give or ask for feedback immediately after completion of a project.
There are many ways to show remarkability in our personal brand, careers, and ideas. We will not get there with half-hearted attempts, contempt of the talents and abilities God has given us, or having no expectations. In 1971 Tom Dickson graduated with a degree in engineering and would struggle to find a job. He finally landed a job in a company making birth control and intrauterine devices. Because of his Mormon faith, he was not comfortable at this job and had to find a new job. First, forward to 1995 when Tom produced his first home blender after years of producing cheap flour mills.
In 1999, he founded Blendtec. Awareness was low so in 2006 he hired George as marketing director. Tom usually did experiments to test the strength of the blenders. George one day stumbled on this and saw a marketing opportunity. George bought tom a lab coat; he bought marbles, golf balls, and a rake. Tom was put in front of a camera and blended the glass marbles into dust, the golf balls were pulverized. The video was uploaded on YouTube and in the first week, it garnered 6 million views. We cannot stumble on such ideas if we don’t make the effort to think outside the box. Tom has to hire someone to boost marketing. George had to use meager resources (Fifty dollars) to make a blender a remarkable story.
Ralf Ragnick, current Manchester United coach was once asked what tradition meant to the club he was at the time and he answered, “If you only celebrate the ashes nothing.” A new season is starting in a few hours and the opportunities to make it remarkable are endless. Are you remarkable? Stay connected to God and He will definitely show you how remarkable you are.
Happy New Year
Thank you for the love and support.
Great Read.
You are remarkable.